ClassificationKingdom: Animalia (Animal)Phylum: Euarthropoda (Arthropod)Class: Insecta (Insect)Order: Hymenoptera (includes: wasps, bees, & ants)Family: Apidea (largest family of bees)Genus: Apis (Latin for Bee)Species: Millifera (Latin for Honey Bearer)The Caste SystemHoney Bees live in a social community collectively called a colony.  The job of each individual depends...

Varroa mite has been prioritized by the Southern IPM Center as a #1 target to ensure honey bee survival. Southern Integrated Pest Management Center mites, under 10x magnification.What are Varroa mites?Varroa destructor (Varroa mite) is an external parasitic mite that feeds on and reproduces exclusively...