Seed Balls-Package of 15 seed balls 1.5-2 inch diameter.

(2 customer reviews)


SAVE BEES – PLANT THESE!  Seed Balls (AKA Seed Bombs) are handmade from clay, compost, & US native wildflower seeds.  The seed ball will give these bee-friendly plant species a kick they need to grow.  This Eco-friendly seed delivery system provides protection from drought & seed predators like ants, birds and small mammals.  Seed balls meet the Regenerative Agriculture  farming principles and practices that increase biodiversity, enrich soils, improve watersheds, and enhance ecosystem services.  Each seed ball covers 2 square ft. and creates a beautiful wildflower garden that local pollinators will love.  Makes a great toss & go activity for youth gardeners!  Appropriate for restoration projects or large-scale gardens throughout the lower 48 states.

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Category: Tag:

Bluebonnet, Cutleaf Daisy, Indian Blanket, American Basketflower, Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Purple Prairie Clover, Purple Coneflower, Annual Winecup, White Prairie Clover, Foxglove Penstemon, Partridge Pea, Greenthread, Gayfeather, Lemon Mint, Golden-Wave, Bush Sunflower, Missouri Primrose, Illinois Bundleflower, Black-Eyed Susan, Tahoka Daisy, Butterflyweed, Winecup, Frostweed, Lazy Daisy, Prairie Verbena, Common Sunflower, Rattlesnake Master, Maximilian Sunflower, Blue Mistflower, Rose Milkweed

Additional Information
Weight 1.5 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 5.5 × 2 in
Reviews (2)

2 reviews for Seed Balls-Package of 15 seed balls 1.5-2 inch diameter.

  1. Jane Smith

    Love these cute & easy to plant seed balls. Added these to several gardens last year- got lots of young wildflowers that emerged & many matured to produce seeds! Looking forward to seeing what pops this year.

  2. Janet Mills

    Super excited to put these seed balls out in the spring. They arrived intact during shipping. B M Dooney Farms offered fast shipping and a detailed card with all seed types. Great product idea and service.

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